Impact of Designed Task-Based Interventions on K-8 Preservice Teachers’ Knowledge and Ability to Solve Measurement Unit Conversion Problems




Unit Conversion, Measurement, K-8 Preservice Teacher Education, Dimensional Analysis, Error Taxonomy


Converting two-dimensional measurement units presents challenges for K-8 preservice teachers (PSTs) (e.g., 9 ft2 = __ yd2). Place value deficiency, lack of understanding of metric system measurement units, misconceptions about relationships between measurement units, and uncertain knowledge of ratios have been identified as causes of student error in one-dimensional analysis (e.g., Livy & Vale, 2011; Morris, 2001; Southwell & Penglase, 2005). However, PSTs’ strategies for solving two-dimensional measurement unit conversion problems (MUCPs) and possible interventions for improvement are rarely investigated in research. The purpose of this study is to design and test a set of tasks that may help students develop correct conceptions and skills for solving MUCPs with the emphasis on two-dimensional problems. The research question is: What is the potential impact of designed task-based interventions on K-8 preservice teachers’ knowledge and ability to solve MUCPs? Data participants are 40 K-8 PSTs enrolled in a Foundations of Data and Geometry course. PSTs completed four MUCPs each in a pre-test and a post-test. Analysis of PSTs’ results from both control and treatment groups show an improvement in the treatment group.

Author Biographies

Ha Nguyen, California State University, Dominguez Hills

Mathematics Department

Tuyin An, Georgia Southern University

Department of Mathematical Sciences

Eryn M. Maher, Georgia Southern University

Department of Mathematical Sciences


Nguyen, H., An, T., & Maher, E. M. (2023). Impact of designed task-based interventions on K-8 preservice teachers’ knowledge and ability to solve measurement unit conversion problems. International Journal on Studies in Education (IJonSE), 5(3), 232-244.





