The Effects of Internationalization on Cultural Sensitivity: A Research among Higher Education Students
Cultural sensitivity, International learning environment, Tertiary studiesAbstract
The internationalization of higher education has become a focal point in Hungary during the past few years. Consequently, all Hungarian higher education institutions aim to increase the number of international students. It is because one positive and multiplicative effect of internationalization is perceived to be an increase in the level of cultural sensitivity of both the international and the Hungarian students. The present paper, therefore, investigates this auspicious effect by presenting the rationale, the purposes, the contents as well as the findings of a small-scale quantitative research which aims to uncover how the cultural sensitivity of the respondents has changed after they began their tertiary studies in an international environment. The research was conducted among Hungarian and international students studying on English-taught programmes in the field of social and economic sciences at a Hungarian university, namely Széchenyi István University. Findings reveal that the cultural sensitivity of the respondents (both international and Hungarian) was indeed enhanced during their tertiary studies and this was as a result of the international learning environment. However, due to the limitations of the research, these findings remain tentative rather than conclusive.References
Szőke, J. (2023). The effects of internationalization on cultural sensitivity: A research among higher education students. International Journal on Studies in Education (IJonSE), 5(3), 245-256.
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