Promoting Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) in Preservice Science Teacher Education: A Scoping Review of Instructional Strategies, Interventions, and Programs




preservice science teachers, TPACK, technology integration, scoping review


Preservice science teacher education is critical for producing competent educators in the 21st century. Consequently, several efforts have been undertaken to enhance preservice science teachers' (PSSTs) technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK). In this study, a scoping review, specifically using a meta-synthesis approach aided by the PRISMA and ENTREQ protocol, was employed to critically synthesize previously conducted studies on the effects of various instructional strategies, interventions, or programs (ISIPs) aimed at enhancing PSSTs' TPACK. A systematic literature search of studies published between 2017 and 2022 in four meta-search engines was conducted. Thirteen studies that met the inclusion criteria were analyzed in this study. The results showed that these studies employed diverse ISIPs to facilitate the development of PSSTs' TPACK. These interventions included course-based programs and activities integrated into the PSSTs’ curriculum. Among these ISIPs, various activities such as theoretical training, practical training, lesson planning, collaboration, and feedback were employed. The nature of these interventions, which emphasized authentic, experiential learning opportunities and a supportive learning environment, facilitated significant improvements in PSSTs' TPACK. All studies demonstrated favorable outcomes, indicating the effectiveness of the ISIPs in enhancing PSSTs' TPACK across different dimensions of the framework. However, several challenges were encountered by the PSSTs, including issues related to access and availability of technology, digital literacy and experience, time constraints and management, resource scarcity, resistance to change and mindset, interaction and support, self-regulated learning, and subject-specific challenges. The results of the study suggest the importance of providing varied teacher preparation experiential learning experiences and the need to address the aforementioned challenges to better optimize the effectiveness of the ISIPs, sustain PSSTs' engagement, and assist them in their TPACK development.

Author Biography

Ronilo P. Antonio, Bulacan State University

Ronilo P. Antonio is an Associate Professor at the College of Education, Bulacan State University, where he teaches Biology and Professional Education courses. He holds a Doctor of Philosophy in Science Education (Biology) from De La Salle University, where he also earned his master's degree in Biology Education. Additionally, he is an associate member of the National Research Council of the Philippines, Division 1: Governmental, Educational, and International Policies.


Antonio, R.P. (2025). Promoting technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) in preservice science teacher education: A scoping review of instructional strategies, interventions, and programs. International Journal on Studies in Education (IJonSE), 7(1), 157-171.





