Equity Trends in Mathematics Education: A Content Analysis of Meta-analytic Research
Equity, Meta-analysis, Content analysis, Mathematics education, Effect sizesAbstract
The purpose of this quantitative content analysis (QCA) was to characterize equity-related trends in meta-analyses of mathematics education studies. An a priori keyword search and retrieval process produced an initial pool of 156 studies. After applying the prescribed inclusion criteria, the initial pool of studies was reduced to a final sample of 32 studies. These studies were coded and analyzed as part of the QCA. The coding and analysis were guided by a critical quantitative research lens, which examines how numeric trends can help to unpack systemic and systematic practices that support the agenda of the dominant cultural group. The results indicate that 62.5 percent of the reviewed studies lacked an equity focus, while most equity-focused meta-analyses examined challenges related to student ability. Moreover, 14 out of the 16 or 87.5 percent of the equity-related moderators had a statistically significant influence on effect size variance. The results of this study suggest that across most mathematics education meta-analytic studies effect size magnitude is impacted by equity-related moderators that are often absent. The researchers provide implications for meta-analytic thinking and equitable research praxis in mathematics education.References
Young, J. & Young, J. (2022). Equity trends in mathematics education: A content analysis of meta-analytic research. International Journal on Studies in Education (IJonSE), 4(1), 24-42. https://doi.org/10.46328/ijonse.57
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