Experiences of Science Teachers Teaching Non–science Subjects: A Phenomenology Study
Challenges, Coping mechanism, Non-science subject, PhenomenologyAbstract
The challenge of unimpressive performance in science subjects is worldwide as revealed by various international research investigation. The increasing rate of low academic achievement and failures in science subjects in schools may significantly impact both individual students whose target was to proceed with tertiary education and seek a lifetime opportunity. However, all of these aims may be affected by the unimpressive performance of students in science subjects. The aim of this study was to describe the experiences of science teachers who encountered problems and challenges in teaching non–science subjects. The study utilized the qualitative phenomenological design with two data gathering techniques, the in-depth interview and focus group discussion. There were 14 participants in this study who were science teachers from secondary schools in Montevista district, Davao de Oro Division, Mindanao, Philippines. Data triangulation was addressed through generating data from various sources to gain a fuller perspective of the study. There (3) essential themes were generated on the experiences of teachers from teaching Non–science subjects. As to the result, the study further recommends on the revisitation on the hiring policy, plans and programs for teachers particularly the need for teacher’s alignment of subject as to what teachers’ specialization or subject field of expertise.References
Rebucas, E. (2022). Experiences of science teachers teaching non–science subjects: A phenomenology study. International Journal on Studies in Education (IJonSE), 4(2), 130-140. https://doi.org/10.46328/ijonse.73
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