The Effectiveness of Contextualized Digital Game-Based Learning Resource in Improving Kindergarten Pupil’s Alphabet Knowledge Level
Gamification, Alphabet Knowledge, Kindergarten, Digital Game-Based Learning, Vowels, Early Childhood EducationAbstract
The achievement of pupils in their future studies depends on their reading skills. One of the strongest foundations in reading success includes alphabet knowledge. Nowadays, the utilization of information communication technology (ICT) influences young children’s learning and emergent literacy skills. Hence, this study explored the effectiveness of digital game-based learning resource in improving pupils’ alphabet knowledge specifically on vowels. An alphabet knowledge checklist on vowels was used to collect the data. One key finding from the study is that most of them have fair alphabet knowledge of vowels with an overall pre-test mean score of 17.91. Findings revealed that interactive learning resource was effective as reflected by a substantial increase of 8.95 points. The t-test for paired samples results in a t-value of -10.11 and a p-value of 0.000. Thus, the difference between the posttest and pretest is significant. Hence, digital game-based learning resource is an effective non-print instructional material in kindergarten for the improvement of alphabet knowledge on vowels. The study recommends the creation of contextualized digital game-based learning resource using consonants to further validate the result. A similar resource may also be suggested to other grade levels to confirm its effectiveness in improving alphabet knowledge.References
Cornito, C. M. (2023). The effectiveness of contextualized digital game-based learning resource in improving kindergarten pupil’s alphabet knowledge level. International Journal on Studies in Education (IJonSE), 5(2), 130-140.
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