What Have We Learned? Teacher Agency for Social Justice amid the Traumatic Crisis with the COVID-19 Pandemic





Covid-19 Pandemic, Culturally Respnosive Pedagogy, Trauma-informed education, Teacher agency for social justice


The unprecedented global COVID-19 pandemic caused school disruptions by negatively affecting most students’ academic performance. However, the pandemic has taken a heavy toll on students in high-need and disadvantaged communities. Before the pandemic, some teachers who demonstrated a social justice-oriented agency chose to implement Culturally Responsive Pedagogy (CRP) in their educational practices to support the academic successes of students from underrepresented backgrounds. However, little is known about how teachers exercised their agency to use CRP during the global health crisis. This qualitative study explores how teachers who had leveraged CRP in the past have worked to sustain their efforts to implement the pedagogy during the national crisis caused by the pandemic. 28 high school teachers were interviewed, and their accounts were analyzed using a constant comparative approach based on grounded theory. Findings illustrate how the teachers practiced CRP before COVID-19, what challenges they confronted in implementing the pedagogy, and how they negotiated their agency to sustain their efforts for promoting social justice. Findings are discussed from a trauma-informed education perspective by providing scholars, educators, and policymakers with valuable theoretical and practical implications for better-supporting students from minoritized families and communities. 

Author Biographies

Mina Min, Appalachian State University

Mina Min (minm@appstate.edu) is an Assistant Professor in Teacher Education in the Department of Learning, Teaching, and Curriculum at Appalachian State University. Her scholarship focuses on teacher agency, motivation, and change in the context of educational reforms, teacher as social justice-oriented change agents, comparative and international education, and school and teaching effectiveness.

Rachel Nelson, Appalachian State University

Rachel Nelson (nelsonre@appstate.edu) is the Assistant director for teacher outreach for the Empowering Teacher Learning project at Appalachian State University. Her research interests include how teachers navigate state licensure requirements at the individual level and the ways that teacher-directed learning promotes autonomy and professionalization.

Elizabeth Bellows, Appalachian State University

Elizabeth Bellows (bellowsme@appstate.edu) is a Professor in the Department of Learning, Teaching, and Curriculum, teaches teacher education and social studies methods courses in elementary and middle grades programs. Her research broadly investigates intersections of critical social studies and teacher education, historical research as it relates to social studies education, and international inquiry about social studies education in Japan and Romania.


Min, M., Nelson, R., & Bellows, E. (2024). What have we learned? Teacher agency for social justice amid the traumatic crisis with the COVID-19 pandemic. International Journal on Studies in Education (IJonSE), 6(1), 67-84. https://doi.org/10.46328/ijonse.182





