Examining Hispanic Preservice Teachers’ Perceptions of Scientists in a Science Methods Course
DAST test, Images, Preservice teachers, ScientistsAbstract
This article describes the intervention strategies implemented in an effort to affect a group of Hispanic pre-service elementary teachers’ images of scientists during a science methods course in a teacher preparation program in the U.S.-Mexico border region. Although there is an extensive volume of research reporting on the use of the DAST-C instrument to study K-16 students’ images of scientists, the number of studies on exploring and influencing preservice teachers’ views of science and scientists is rather scarce. Findings in this study indicate that a semester-long intervention strategy focused on (a) pre-service teachers’ generated inquiry project, (b) written reflections on inquiry learning, and (c) a pre and post-drawing tests, allowed participants to reflect on their views about scientists and science, and experience a gradual shift from views conforming to stereotypical views of scientists to portrayals of science practitioners as individuals, just like other people in our society pursuing real interests.References
Medina-Jerez, W. & Middleton, K. (2022). Examining Hispanic preservice teachers’ perceptions of scientists in a science methods course. International Journal on Studies in Education (IJonSE), 4(1), 70-87. https://doi.org/10.46328/ijonse.62
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