Studying Geometric Concepts in Elementary School through Construction by Compass and Straightedge




Geometric constructions, Motivation, Attitudes


Students regard geometry a difficult study subject, towards which they develop over time negative attitudes and low study motivation. Experiential and creative studying experience increases students' motivation and develops positive attitudes towards the study subject. Knowledge construction takes place through activity and making of tangible interest. This is a studying technique that supports the cognitive construction process of the student. Construction with a compass and straightedge in geometry can meet these requirements. Based on these principles a study was conducted among 50 elementary school students in the sixth grade from the Arab sector in Israel. The aim of the study was to examine the effect of combining geometric construction activities using a compass and straightedge in a geometry class on students' achievements, attitudes, and motivation. When the subject is not part of the school curriculum. The study also examined the skills needed to teach the subject and the difficulties involved. The findings of the present study showed that students who studied geometric concepts from construction with compass and straightedge raised achievements and motivation. They also developed positive attitudes towards geometry. Studying by compass and straightedge helped students to overcome difficulties at the geometric thinking levels, but it required dealing with new studying skills which piqued their curiosity for studying.

Author Biography

Khayriah Hasan Massarwe, The Arab Academic College for Education in Israel - Haifa, Israel

Department of MathematicsLecturer rank


Massarwe, K. H. (2023). Studying geometric concepts in elementary school through construction by compass and straightedge. International Journal on Studies in Education (IJonSE), 5(1), 42-63.





