Policy, Practice, and Perceptions of K-12 Social-Emotional Learning





Social-Emotional Learning, K-12, Instruction, School Personnel


The purpose of this study was to investigate the perceptions of K-12 school staff who participate in social-emotional learning (SEL). Since the global pandemic, several school districts have included SEL as part of the school curriculum. Teachers, counselors, social workers, school psychologists, and school administrators participate in SEL instruction and/or practices. Classroom teachers instruct students in SEL instruction and other school staff practice the SEL components of self-awareness, self-management, decision-making, social awareness, and relationship skills through their daily interactions with students. This study was conducted in various schools throughout the Los Angeles area using open-ended interview questions that utilized focus groups and individual interviews according to their school positions. The schools were invited to participate in purposeful sampling. The participants were invited and selected to include the diversity of student population, size, location, and SEL programs. Interview questions examined the participants’ perceptions of the SEL program, practices, and school policy. Data collection involved note-taking and/or voice recordings.

Author Biographies

Janice Filer, Pepperdine University

Graduate School of Education and PsychologyFaculty

Ebony Cain-Sanschagrin, Pepperdine University

Ebony Cain-Sanschagrin, Ph.D. https://orcid.org/0009-0005-6339-7847Pepperdine UniversityUnited Sates of Americaebony.cain@pepperdine.edu

Della Thompson-Bell, Southwestern Law School

Della Thompson-Bell, J.D. https://orcid.org/0009-0000-9424-9293Southwestern Law SchoolUnited States of Americadthompsonbell@swlaw.edu


Filer, J., Cain-Sanschagrin, E., & Thompson-Bell, D. (2024). Policy, Practice, and Perceptions of K-12 Social-Emotional Learning. International Journal on Studies in Education (IJonSE), 6(3), 432-445. https://doi.org/10.46328/ijonse.235





