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Bacsa, Maritel T., University of Batangas (Philippines)
Balakrishnan, Kaushik, Arizona State University (United States)
Banzuela, Christine B., University of Batangas (Philippines)
Bellows, Elizabeth, Appalachian State University (United States)
Berg, Margaret A., University of Northern Colorado School of Teacher Education McKee Hall Second Floor Greeley, CO 80639 (United States)
Berger, Jean-Louis, University of Fribourg (Switzerland)
Bertsch, Emilie, University of North Georgia (United States)
Black, David, Clark Planetarium 110 400 W St. Salt Lake City, UT 84101 (United States)
Blizard, Zachary D., Winston Salem State University (United States)
Bradshaw, Peter, The Open University (United Kingdom)
Bulut, Mesut, Atatürk University (Turkey)

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